
Lake Fun!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentines Day!

My morning began with (absolutely NO sleep!) a Super sweet card and these.........yip, there's 12. I always count, just to be sure. :)

This truly traditional guy really loves me. What can I say?

We then went on a date to the Dr. office for my first post-op! To really make the date special, I put on a bra! WHOO WHOO! (Actually, Mike had to put it on for me. Did I say "Happy Valentines Day!"?

Stitches out, got the okay to have an adult beverage (as long as I'm done with the pain pills), got the okay to treadmill (as long as I promise to hold on and take it easy), and instructions for at home physical therapy (Four exercises) for the next three weeks. Then the REAL physical therapy will start. Eeeekkkkk.

Mike brought me home from our romantic trip to the Dr. and I called a friend for a ride to the grocery store (THANKS AMY!) for a few things. I gave Mike the okay to go to work since I was sure I could manage myself and the dogs for a few hours alone, and I could totally tell he needed to get out of the house!

I dressed simple today. Black yoga's, black shoes, black zip up jacket and my big, bulky black brace. I look like an injured NINJA! But I don't care. It just felt good to get outside! :)

"love the life you live, live the life you love"

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