
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Perfect end to a busy day......

It was a full day of work, errands and yard work, so breakfast was quick and easy. I made instant Oatmeal.....then topped it with an apple that I had chopped up and sprinkled with cinnamon and put in the micro for 2 minutes.

The errand was an eventful trip to Kansas City's Boulevard Brewery. Totally forgot to take a picture, but brought home lots of bottles to finish off center piece arrangements for Jake (my stepson) and Jordan's rehearsal dinner in July. The wedding is July 14th and approaching quickly!

Here's the idea.....the wedding colors are yellow and I thought gray flowers would work and be bright and cheery! The event is at a brewery with BBQ being served, so beer bottles and red and white checks just made sense. I finished it off with a picture of the beautiful couple on top.

Somewhere on the table I plan on making a couple of these great little tasting glasses work too! It's just a wee bit bigger than a votive, (that's why I took the picture....for comparison)so I'm thinking a candle or two on each table in these cute little tasting glasses.

Lunch was unplanned and not the greatest....a snackwell cinnamon raisin bar, string cheese, and an apple. Later in the day, a snack of strawberries and blueberries.....

For dinner, I planned on using a rotisserie chicken in the freezer that I had removed the meat from and froze a couple of weeks ago. I didn't have a clue what I was going to make, but for some odd reason, I was craving my mothers goulash?? Meat, pasta and tomatoes.

I opened two cans of diced tomatoes...

I thought it needed to be a little thicker, but still wasn't sure where I was going with this. Chicken Goulash? I opened some chicken broth, thinking I would cook some pasta in it. I took a little chicken broth and added some tomato paste to it, and poured that in too.

Then I cooked up some pasta in the remaining chicken broth and a little water, and added that too.......

I still wanted something extra. I think of goulash as quick and simple, and whats in the pantry. It was smelling and looking good, and I knew it was nothing fancy, but I wanted it creamier, so I added this!

I added three wedges of Laughing Cow Mozzarella Sun Dried Tomato Cheese.

Yip. That did it. The picture doesn't show the true creaminess of it. Dinner was ready. Except the salad. So I put the lid on it, and went out to mow and trim. When I was done with that, I decided to trim all the bushes. A job I HATE! But they look so much better! I should have done before AND after pictures!

Jake surprised me and showed up while I was mowing, so I stopped for a cold drink and a visit on the deck. Look what he brought me for Mother's Day!

I do NOT have a green thumb, but he said to give it 3 ice cubes a day, and it should be fine. I'll keep you posted!

Well I ended up working in the yard until dark, and when I came in all I could think about was eating NOW! So I did not make a salad, and I did not take a picture of my plated dinner, but it was so creamy and tasty! That pasta was great for this dish! I will make it again for sure!

Hope it's a Great Week for all!

"love the life you live, live the life you love"

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