
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mow, trim, Oh, and eat.

Yikes! I am for SURE going to need a mani pedi after all this. Every nail is split, dry and cracked. After trimming all the bushes yesterday, I knew today would be mulch day. After a power breakfast of this.......

Egg whites, crumbled bacon.....

Flip it.......

Cut it.......

Plate it......You gotta make your one cheese slice work for you!

Open faced is the best! Makes it seem like more food! I like to visualize a WHOLE plate full of food!


It's time for my workout. My mulch's an empty bag. I filled up the car with 10!

About now, my back was killing me, so it seemed an appropriate time to take a break, take a picture and drink a beer! He he...I drank water instead. Shocker! I know.

The car is gonna need a good cleaning out tomorrow......Egads. So many projects.

Looking good I'd say......

Lunch break was leftovers from last night. Again, so hungry I forgot to take a picture.......better late than never? Probably not.

After a few hours filled with other duties, not listed here, I headed back to Home Depot for 15 more bags! I think I'm done now. I know my body is.

Dinner was light, due to the pasta for lunch, and the unmentioned WW Ice Cream Bar immediately following.....

A veggie Burger...

A few greens...

Add a bell pepper, and its a tasty little dinner.....

I topped it with salsa mixed in with some nonfat Greek yogurt......

I like the carrots for a little side crunch!

All that work outside, made me want to eat outside. So I did. Tucker seems to think I bought this pillow for him, but its actually for humans. We'll see who wins that.

Mishka knows her place......on the deck. She's totally trying to figure out why he's on that pillow!

"love the life you live, live the life you love"


  1. I have LOTS of mulch yet to be put down. If you need more excercise points, let me know!!!!

  2. Hmmmmm, let me think about that! :)
