
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Take A Hike!

That's right, instead of the usual asphalt path or the sidewalk, I met my friend, Renee, out at Shawnee Mission Park, and we decided to hit the trails and go for a hike instead of walking the asphalt path!

Snakes, bugs, ticks.........

........but I'll be darned if she didn't show up with BUG spray!

So we hit the trail.

She assured me that we would NOT get lost........"Look Julie, I think we're here."


I must say, things were marked fairly well........

So, off we went into nature........

I actually liked did she.

Of course I used my pedometer. I still feel it's pretty accurate.
We hiked for over an hour and a half with lots of bugs in our face!! Gnats love my nose and eyes!!

I thought we covered more ground than 3.5 miles, but it was rocky and tested our agility, so our speed was not what I thought it was. We did determine the whole hike was not only good for balance, but with all the gnat swatting, our arms kept nice and loose!

The trails were much more dusty than I realized, because at the end, the backs of both of our calves were covered in dust, and my new shoes no longer look NEW!!

Then, I went to meet with the Trainer for my recommended eats.
It's really not a TON different than what I have been doing, but......

No, I can NOT eat my Ice Cream Sandwich every afternoon.

I may be eating too much fruit. Take it down a notch and focus on berries.

Add veggies to my eggs in the morning.

Try cooking my Veggies and Eggs in Coconut Oil. Now I can't remember why? The Coconut Oil is more "Heat Tolerant" than Olive Oil? I'll give it a try.

On the "No Weight Lifting" days, low carbs.

On the "Weight Lifting" days, moderate carbs...brown rice, oatmeal.


Lean Meat
Brown Rice
Raw Almonds
Protein Shakes with berries
Chia Seeds

I can do this for a week. It really doesn't seem too far from what I have been doing. Just a few tweaks.

Before dinner time, I headed to Whole Foods for my Ground Flax and Coconut Oil. Um, Coconut Oil is Expensive.





Mike was golfing (He shot a 77, and I know it was a big deal, so I thought I should share that with you!) for the evening, so I made myself a delicious dinner at The Whole Foods salad bar. All veggies, 1 Egg, Salmon, Olive Oil.

I enjoyed dinner on the deck, then at 8:00, crawled into bed with the dogs to watch an old Harrison Ford movie. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh. It was a great day!

Refresh...I can eat 26 points a day.
I can earn Activity Points by doing exercise, and eat them if I choose.
I have an allowance of 49 points that I can dip into if I chose.
I should drink a minimum of 6 (8 oz) glasses of water each day.

The food I ate and it's PPV

Breakfast = 1 Egg, 4 Egg Whites, Cheese, Blueberries and Grapes (4)
Snack = Coffee with Milk (1)
Snack = Whey Protein Shake with Frozen Berries (3)
Lunch = leftover Turkey Stuffed Bell Peppers with Zucchini (10)
Dinner = Whole Foods Salad Bar.....4.5 oz Grilled Salmon, 2 t. Olive Oil, 1 Egg, Lots of Greens and other veggies (10)

Total = 28

Today's Exercise......

Hiked 3.5 Miles for 90 minutes

How many glasses of water I drank today = 12
Activity Points Earned Today = 7
Activity Points Earned This Week = 33
Remaining points from my 49 Points Allowance = 29
ALCOHOL consumption = none

"love the life you live, live the life you love"

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