
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

It's NOT just sleepwear!

I'm the first one to admit that I don't keep up real well with the trends in clothing, or really any other trends for that matter. I can be a little lame and totally out of the loop as to what's current. I like trendy, I just don't always know what trendy is. Sometimes, I just want my cargo pants and my tank top, and my $1 flip flops, so thats what I wear. I'm totally a tank top girl. Yoga pants are a favorite too! It can be a workout day or no workout day, doesn't matter. I like to dress for comfort. I try not to be a complete slob, and I try to look put together. But I admit, comfort usually comes first. Oh, and a bargain. I've just never been one to spend much on clothes, or on much else. I'm

When I saw the cute Tank Dress at Target (I am mostly unaware that other stores exist), I was so excited. Cute, Comfy, Cheap! Its a TANK TOP....and a dress!!! Then I realized I was in the Sleepwear Department. Then I realized I didn't care. So I bought it.

I only share with you all that I have now stooped to wearing sleepwear outside of the house.....because after coming in from Dallas, I went to meet my husband for lunch. (In my nightgown!!! Can you think of anything more comfortable to travel in??? Me neither!!!) While standing outside, waiting for Mike, a perfectly normal looking, business dressed, man, smiles at me and says.....

"I like your dress!"

Those of you that know me, know that I often snort when I unexpectedly laugh. Well, I snorted and said "Thank you.", but I really wanted to tell him what a deal I got, and that I was wearing a nightgown!!!

L O S E R ! ! ! !

I plan to wear it often!!


Un Pictured Starbucks at the airport


Un Pictured Caesar Salad when I met Mike for lunch



Un Pictured Chobani Blueberry Greek Yogurt, Almonds, Turkey


Refresh...I can eat 26 points a day.
I can earn Activity Points by doing exercise, and eat them if I choose.
I have an allowance of 49 points that I can dip into if I chose.
I should drink a minimum of 6 (8 oz) glasses of water each day.

The food I ate and it's PPV

Breakfast = Starbucks Nonfat Latte (3)
Lunch = Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad (7)
Snack = Whey Protein Shake with 1 t. Chia Seeds and frozen Blueberries (3)
Snack = Almonds, Turkey, Greek Yogurt (6)
Dinner = Sunset Grill's San Diego Grilled Chicken Salad with an Extra 1/2 Chicken Breast, avocado, cheese and topped with Salsa (15)

Total = 34

Today's Exercise = Mow, Trim, Pull Weeds for 90 Minutes
(Not what I had planned, but it needed to be done and then the day just got away from me.....Urg)

How many glasses of water I drank today = 12
Activity Points Earned Today = 6
Activity Points Earned This Week = 6
Remaining points from my 49 Points Allowance = 1
ALCOHOL consumption = none

"love the life you live, live the life you love"

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