
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A Rainy Day and a Coffee Mug

I love a rainy day spent at home.

I accomplished so many things on Monday, but unfortunately, I was so wrapped up in completing my list of task, and so cozy, neither grocery shopping OR exercising ever did happen, but a few things that shouldn't have happened......did.


The dreary weather FORCED me to spend most of the day (okay, the entire day), in my pj's, drinking coffee, either sitting at my computer or doing ODD things around the house.

It seemed to be a good day to focus on my new computer, so I watched a few tutorials, played around on it a bit, and scheduled my second class at the Apple store.

This past weekend, I discovered that there is a Blogging Conference in Kansas City this weekend! I have been looking for a conference to attend (there are several!), but none of them were close enough that I could justify the cost involved in traveling, so I was super stoked to find one in town!!

I am officially registered to attend Thursday, Friday and Saturday! I then felt the need to watch a few different tutorials about blogging and read all that I could. There is SO much to learn and so much computer jargon that is going right over my head!! It's a bit intimidating, but I am hoping to learn lots this weekend!

I am also working on a project with my dad for the Downtown Overland Park Parade on Saturday, September 28th.

My dad just made this Over Sized Radio Flyer Wagon and can hardly wait to show it off! He asked for my help. He would like for me to portray a child sitting in the wagon while he pulls it in the parade with his Farmall Tractor! We've done several things in the parade together, so I am just as excited as he is!

He would like to make things even more entertaining by pulling this regular sized wagon BEHIND the over sized wagon with a Small person (doll....child...mannequin) riding in it, with possibly a MINIATURE wagon behind the regular sized one!!

Who knows how this will all turn out and what the three of us (me, the smaller me, then the even smaller me) will wear or what we'll do with our hair, but we are certainly having fun trying to figure it all out!

A neighbor was kind enough to lend me this after I posted on Facebook that I was looking for a Child Size Doll!

Yesterday, I remembered I had a blonde wig somewhere in the basement that possibly resembled the hair on this doll!! and my coffee mug went to the basement to do some digging......and guess what????
Found the wig! I was amazed at the resemblance, so of course I dressed us alike and put on the wig! I snapped a few pics! I tried to make the same expression as my new friend.

Any suggestions for her name??

This picture seemed a little dark.....

Okay, a little creepy. I was going for her expression.


None of my friends on Facebook seemed to enjoy my pictures, but many of them were kind enough to express concern for my mental health.

Remember earlier in the post when I said a few things happened, that shouldn't have? Well, there ya go. Maybe I SHOULD have left the house yesterday!!

Then......I ate within my points, actually I didn't eat enough, but I have been neglecting my high protein diet these past four days. I must admit, I became a little bored with my Protein/Veggie/Whey Protein Shake menu. I know increasing my protein was helping me get below 160, and I MUST get back at it TODAY!!!

The rain made it difficult to get outside to walk yesterday and I used that as an excuse to do no exercise at all instead of just getting on the treadmill.

I wrote myself a note last night and put it by the coffee pot.......reminding me how far I had come and that this journey isn't over!!

Today? Lots of protein, water, exercise and planning for the rest of the week!!






Refresh...I can eat 26 points a day.
I can earn Activity Points by doing exercise, and eat them if I choose.
I have an allowance of 49 points that I can dip into if I chose.
I should drink a minimum of 6 (8 oz) glasses of water each day.

The food I ate and it's PPV

Breakfast = Greek Yogurt and Coffee with Milk (4)
Snack = Coffee and Blueberries (0)
Lunch = Chicken Salad with Carrots (6)
Snack = Turkey Taco Salad with Guacamole (8)
Dinner = 1 Egg, 4 Egg Whites, Cheese (4)

Total = 22

Today's Exercise = zero

How many glasses of water I drank today = 8
Activity Points Earned Today = 0
Activity Points Earned This Week = 9
Remaining points from my 49 Points Allowance = 15
ALCOHOL consumption = none

"love the life you live, live the life you love"

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