
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Memorial Day Weekend!!

First and most importantly.....

A big "Thank You" to all of the service men and women who have served, and are currently serving in the United States Military. Your Service is greatly appreciated!

Here is how Mike and I spent our weekend.......

Swimsuits, boating and a whole bunch of fun, sweet people!!!!

This is our gracious and awesome host, Doug, along with his sweet and crazy friend, Valerie.......and Mike and I!

When we arrived, we walked out to the dock to say "hi". Doug greeted us with a big hug and a ........

"Hey there Farmer and Farmerette!"

I like it. I also think he can never remember my name when he first sees me. Cracks me up!

Here is the back view of Doug's house as we came back from a day on the water.......

There were a mere seven dogs hanging out with us this weekend. Doug has THREE Great are two of them at supper time!! I couldn't fit all three in the camera shot!!! Can you IMAGINE three??????

I'd say this picture sums up the mood of the entire weekend! Relaxed and happy!

I met lots of new friends.........

Her's one of my new friends.......Jessica!

And again.....(she gets me)

A few of the gang at Backwater Jack's, where a "Pain in the Ass" seems to be the beverage of choice! (I had one.)

Possibly.......Mikes favorite. (Mike, regretfully, had three.)

It was a great day on the boat. We ended the evening hanging out on the dock, and later we all enjoyed a meal of Lasagne, salad and garlic toast. I drank ONE "Pain in the Ass" at the bar, and sipped a couple of vodka drinks on the boat. I possibly drank more water than I typically would at home!

Doug has a large group of friends (much younger than the rest of us!) at the Lake and his house definitely is the place to be! I don't even know how many stayed at his house, but I think there were close to 20 for dinner each night, and I can count at least 15 that slept at the house both nights!!!

We woke up Sunday to the smell of coffee. After having a cup, and a Greek Yogurt, I headed out for my walk.

I walked along highway "O", And this was my view. Not bad, huh?

I took the pedometer and walked for over an hour.......

But with all those hills, I had a hard time picking up speed!

So glad I walked though.......

Because we had another day of fun ahead!!!

When I got back to the house, a large breakfast of eggs and hash browns and biscuits had been cooked and consumed. I helped clean up, and didn't even touch a biscuit!

Then a little dock time......deck time......chatting......then packing up the coolers for a second day on the water.

I was ready to go and one of the first ones on the boat! So that's me.....patiently waiting.........with my flavored water and a splash of Vodka.

Then off to "Coconuts"!

We had to tie up to this guy!
There was NO place to park!
It was crazy busy!!

I LOVED this place!! It felt like we just stepped into Florida! Pretty people, sand volleyball, swim up was crazy!!

A large group had just walked away from this little bar with about ten stools, so those of us in our group that could, grabbed a spot! See the band behind us??

This guy (the lead singer) was C R A Z Y fun........

After lots of people watching, off to another bar for a snack, then a nice long boat ride back to the house.....

A little relaxing off our bedroom....

Every time we go, I can hardly wait to go back!!

Dinner was Pork Tenderloin, Rice and possibly the best bacon wrapped, stuffed jalapeƱos that I have ever had!!

Then a late night on the dock.........

The Monday morning walk just didn't happen. It was cloudy, so we all pitched in to change beds, mop, do dishes.......and chat over a cup of coffee here and there. I again, passed on the big breakfast, and opted for a Greek yogurt and an apple.

I wasn't really ready to go, but all good things must end, apparently.

So we drove home in THIS !!!!!!

I was a nervous wreck!! Not only do I hate being the passenger, but I hate driving in the rain, and riding AS a passenger in the rain?????? Please just shoot me now!!!!

But Mikey got us home safely.....

I could hardly wait to see my doggies!

It was great to get away with the hubby and see him relax. It just doesn't happen often enough....

On the way home, Mike told me that he thought I had done a great job of eating healthy, drinking little, and getting in a good morning walk. I was certainly aware of the changes I had made compared to trips to the lake before where I drank endless beers, ate endless chips, never drank water, and certainly didn't pack walking shoes. Will I get to my goal of 160 by the end of the week? I don't know. Maybe by fasting.

I'd write more, but I am headed out the door to walk.......for like six or seven hours.

"love the life you live, live the life you love"

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