
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Crazy Days.....

Since spending two days on the road to Dallas and back, I have no idea what day of the week it is, and at any given time, I actually have no idea what time it is.

Saturday, Tess and I had planned to sleep in, then sip coffee and get all caught up on our shows that had been DVR'd, and that's exactly what we did.

That night was a Cinco De Mayo party that some friends of ours do each year, and we rested up just enough that we were ready to get out and socialize. (The food is always amazing and this is a great group of fun folks, so you really DON'T want to miss out on the fun!) As expected, we had a blast chatting, laughing, eating and dancing! (Beverages included!)

The lovely Host and Hostess!

Stupid fun......

A bunch of pretty ladies......

A couple of hot guys...... (tee hee)......

More lovely ladies!

Sunday was a bit of a lazy day until about 2:00 pm. Then we got busy getting a few things done around the house and a few errands ran. Then, somehow, Tess and I ended up at a bar with my friend Laura and her daughter, Madi. Madi is the same age as Tess and the four of us always have a good time together and have been hanging out together since the girls were in middle school. What started as one innocent beer and some spinach dip served with carrot sticks to celebrate the fact that both girls recently got their first full-time, big girl jobs, turned into more beers and free samples of the four new burgers they plan to add to the menu!

In this picture, BBQ sauce literally dripped down my face, was on my hands, and when I looked at my phone to check the time, realized it was all over my phone! It might have been my favorite of the four we sampled.

Thursday ended up being a very physical day, although I didn't walk on a treadmill, I made several trips up and down stairs and was on the move most of the evening. Friday morning was spent running errands in Dallas and the rest of the day was spent in the passengers seat, and it actually is my scheduled day off from exercise, Saturday I felt like a big lump of dead weight, and did NO exercise (unless you count dancing at the party?), then Sunday ended up being a NO EXERCISE day.

Monday I knew it was time to get back to serious business. A friend asked me to walk with her, and I hadn't yet, so the timing was perfect. We walked outside for over an hour and a half and her pedometer told us we had walked just over SIX miles! Yay! I needed that!

I ate 26 points, drank lots of water and planned out meals for the rest of the week. I have been a little Leary of stepping on the scale. I think I will work hard and step on Thursday morning?

This is a big month for me with lots of goals to accomplish, and I feel as though things got a tad out of control over the weekend.

I know I am capable of reaching my goals by the end of the month, so I have some serious days ahead.

I'm thinking......Have No Fear!

"love the life you live, live the life you love"

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