
Friday, April 19, 2013

It Could Be a Big Deal......

Friday's weigh in could be my lowest since I started this long ass journey over three years ago!

I try to eat a low sodium diet the day before weigh in, and drink extra water, but I might have messed up with a some-what salty dinner. I hope I didn't!

(Let me just tell ya that I made Risotto with Asparagus and Salmon and Parmesan Cheese all in one big dish, and it was Flipping delicious!!!!!!)

I have been thinking a lot lately about why I am so focused now and ready to get to goal. I think when I joined WW in 2009 at my highest weight ever (207), I knew I had to get back to my comfort zone of 160's - 170's. I felt like crap and I knew I wanted to be healthy down the road in my 50's, 60's, 70's and beyond. I knew I would be a WW member as long as WW existed, but I don't know that I ever truly believed that I would weigh 150 pounds. It still scares me to think I might do all the work, and my body rejects 150. I know that sounds ridiculous, but it is just so hard to really imagine myself there. I don't doubt that I can do the work, but will my body Cooperate with my head and my mouth? I remained in the 170's for a really long time, not really pushing myself to move forward because I felt so much better than I did when I started, what difference did it make? I had changed so many things about my eating behaviors that I felt completely healthy, and really, that was my main goal.

But deep down, I knew I had to move forward, and I knew if I faced one more birthday or New Years Day being disappointed with myself, it would take forever to forgive myself. Plus, when you reach goal, you attend meetings for FREE!! (And I must fulfill my fantasy of being a WW Leader!!!)

I was thinking about how excited I feel each day recently when I see the progress. I was thinking about the satisfaction I feel at the end of the day when I have written down all of my food and I am within my appoints range. That feels AWESOME!! I was thinking about the simple, and not so simple changes I have made in the last six weeks.

If you read regularly, you know I like my beer. I think I have only had three or four beers in the last six weeks. Don't let me fool you, I still like my Friday Happy Hours with my girls, but I have been learning to sip my wine (I do love wine almost as much as an ice cold beer). I also am not saying I haven't overdone at some point in the last six weeks, but I have been much more aware, and that has made it easier for me to make better choices and practice portion control.

I have never exercised six days a week in my entire life, but oddly, knowing I told myself that I would do just that, there is no room for error. Friday is my day off of exercise and that is it. (I have missed a couple of days, but literally I think two is it!) I think this is really working for me because before I would play around with my days off and make excuses. This way, I don't allow an excuse. If I did, my coach would totally call me out on it anyhow.

I highly recommend having a "coach". This has been a new experience for me, but I think it has been key in me sticking with things. I know I am not doing it for my coach, I am doing it for me. But out of respect for her time, I need to show my appreciation by following through with our plan.

And I LOVE my silly charts!! It's great to stare PROGRESS in the face!

Eating changes have been much more simple than I realized. I have many trigger foods, and I know exactly what they are and that I shouldn't have them in my house. This works for me and I now it. But it seems that every once in a while, I see something at the store that is fairly low in points, and I haven't had it in a long time, and I buy it! And just about every time, I eat the whole package in a day, or I end up putting it down the garbage disposal so I won't eat it all. I have finally figured out, that buying those items to bring home, simply isn't an option for me.

That being said, we have absolutely no crackers, cookies, cereal, tortillas, granola bars, 100 calorie snacks, ice cream, cool whip, chunks of cheese, or chips. (I can keep baked Tostitos scoops for some reason. We eat a lot of taco's, taco soup, taco casserole's.) I even quit buying BREAD! We do eat whole wheat pasta and brown rice, (and apparently an occasional Risotto) but not much. (I kinda miss toast, but I'll bring it back in moderation at some point.)

What we have a LOT of is fruit, fruit, and then some more fruit, lots of veggies, hummus, Greek yogurt, low fat cottage cheese, popcorn, WW Smoothie mixes, shredded cheese, laughing cow cheese wedges, and did I say fruit?? And I truly enjoy eating all of the items I just listed!

So, what I am saying, is that it feels good to believe in myself. If I don't see 164 Friday, I know it will happen next week. According to my chart, I am ahead of schedule anyhow, but I want to keep on the roll I'm on.

Those are my thoughts. Hope there weren't too many. :)

If you look at my numbers below, I earned 33 activity points this week. I ate 3 of those after eating all of my 49 extra points. I did overestimate on a few things, but I promise you that I never felt deprived this week, and I know I lost a bit.

"love the life you live, live the life you love"

1 comment:

  1. Great thoughts!! First I want to say that your body is very responsive to what you eat and what you do. I think it is because you did stabilize in the low 170s for so long. It is almost like you are starting over again, with the weight loss and you haven't lowered your metabolism, making this last 14 pounds not too hard to lose. I think it's amazing watching how well your body does respond. When you do it all right, you lose weight like clock work. I know you will have no problem getting to 150. Just keep doing what you're doing.

    And the CHARTS! Aren't charts great? I was like you, a little resistant to putting up what looks like a grade school project on the wall. But what a difference it makes. I wish I could talk more people into putting big charts on their walls. I loved my charts, too. I still keep a chart for weight maintenance and to track my exercise. I love it!!

    Have a great weekend with the kids. Enjoy your day with friends today. It's supposed to be a beautiful day. Think about how much more fun you are having than I am...I'll be doing a 24 mile bike/5 mile run brick today...ugh!! I'll feel victorious when it is over, at least.

    Talk to you Monday!!

