
Saturday, April 6, 2013

A Full Day of Good.

Friday was just an all around great day.

It started with the scale reading 167. (It said 167 again this morning, so it wasn't a fluke!)

After a high protein, low point breakfast, I went in for yet another brutal medical massage, in which I again cried. I don't know why all the tears lately. Geeezzzz, how irritating. I feel like Holly Hunter's character in "Broadcast News". If you know the movie, then you know exactly what I am talking about, if you don't, I love that movie, and you should watch it! But I am feeling the benefits of these massages. That is the "good" part.

Then I had a funeral to go to. I went by myself. I know it must sound odd to say that I had a great day, then I tell you that I went to a funeral, but this Funeral was a true celebration of life for this man.

The funeral was for a dear sweet man that had entered my life at three different stages. He was my softball coach in grade school. He was my boss when I worked at a bank in my twenties. I reconnected with him recently at Costco, where after retirement, he decided to get a job handing out samples! I now really looked forward to my Costco visits and his big smile and his friendly words.

I always knew he was a very sweet man with a positive attitude and a smile on his face. I was so happy that I went to the funeral, because everything that I thought might be true about this man was confirmed. The church was overflowing with people and some had to stand. He was a huge KState fan (he played Basketball for KState in the 50's), and all of the males that were sitting with the family were wearing dark suits, white shirts and purple ties. One of the first songs played while the family was being seated was the KState fight song, followed by "Take Me Out To the Ballgame!".

I have never been to a funeral that was easy, but he was killed in an automobile accident, and his brother and sister-in-law are still in the hospital due to their injuries, so it was extremely difficult to see his wife, his three children and his ten grandchildren mourn the loss of this joyful man.

I learned a lot of wonderful things about a man that I already knew was amazing and I was honored to know him. They did a wonderful job of celebrating his life.

Then I drove home with the windows down, happy that the family had such a beautiful and sunny day.

Tess came home last night! I have missed that kid like crazy and I was even more excited to see her than I expected! I saw her walk out of the gate at the airport talking to a man. Before she walked away from him, she hugged him. I thought, awe, thats sweet, she must have flown with a co-worker. I wonder who it is? She hadn't spotted me yet, but when she turned around, she saw me, and almost tackled me right there in the airport!! Then we both cried. (I know.)

Then I was like...."who's the guy?"
And she was like..."what guy"
and I'm like..."The guy you just hugged"
and she's like...."oh, I just met him on the flight. He was soooo nice."

This does NOT surprise me.

Oh, and did I mention she sent me a text saying that if when she got off of the plane, if I was holding a sign that said her name, she wouldn't be disappointed??

So I did.

I'm not sure who's the bigger geek. Me, or her?

Fridays eats!

Tess and I ended our night at a favorite spot for a late dinner, wine, lots of laughs and catching up on each others lives.

We are looking forward to heading downtown this morning with friends to the City Market!

"love the life you live, live the life you love"

1 comment:

  1. I thought about calling yesterday and figured you were busy with Tess. How's it going? Let me know if you want to talk today. You sure sound great!! I hope you were able to keep everything within your points this weekend. :)
