
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Friends, Shopping, Wine

After weighing at home on Friday, then going to PT, I was ready to get out of the house for a fun Girly day. We did a little shopping at an outside event (it was freezing!) and I found a few great things that I am super excited about! I still have not finished painting my grandma's sewing machine, but when I do, I think this chalk board will look great hanging above it!

Then I found this great old tattered tackle box! There's even old fishing stuff in it!

Then this rusty two tiered shelf. I have NO plans to paint it. I like it just the way it is.

Then we went to a cozy bar with a fireplace for wine and appetizers. Did I mention it was FREEZING out? I ordered grilled shrimp and red wine. I had coffee while the other girls enjoyed their second glass of wine. I hate that I forget that it's really not that big of a deal to be out with the girls and still stay within my points. The best part of the day was spending time with my friends.

I was really looking forward to a full weekend since I recently had admitted to GOING STIR CRAZY!! We had dinner plans with two other couples on Saturday night that I was really looking forward to, but due to the Spring Snow Storm, it got cancelled. :(

Sunday we had big family plans for Palm Sunday with everyone pictured above, AND Aunts and Uncles and Mike's parents. CANCELLED!!

So here I sit again, fighting the urge to snack! So far, so good.

Fridays eats.....

Saturdays Eats.......

The treadmill workouts are going great. I have 63 miles on my chart now!

I planned the strength training before considering the fact that I am doing PT three to four times a day, and including icing my shoulder down afterwards, the whole process takes about 45 minutes each time, so I haven't gotten in the strength training like I had planned.

I had planned to give the Grandkids their Easter Buckets on Palm Sunday, so now I'm stuck with those jelly beans for most likely another week!!

If I get super tempted, I will either call my "sponsor", I mean my "coach", or I'll just have to throw them away and fill the eggs with dollar bills.:)

"love the life you live, live the life you love"


  1. Put the baskets in the trunk of Mike's car. You are doing great!

    1. That's funny, because they are actually in my trunk. I'm good. :)
      So sorry your weekend got all screwed up! Damn snow!!
