
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

New Year's Day seems to be the perfect time for reflecting.........

I spent New Years Eve morning reorganizing and bill paying while parked in front of the check book, the computer and the shredder.

I spent the entire afternoon reflecting....and watching it snow.

I have blogged a lot about the changes I have made in my life since joining WW in September of 2009. I have blogged about my World Breaking Slow weight loss. I have blogged about binge eating to deal with stress, my love/hate relationship with exercise, how to have a huge plate of food for very few points, family, my moods, my silly mishaps. I have pretty much put it all out there. The blog has been much more to me than I ever thought it would be. It's my outlet. It lets me talk without anyone really having to listen.

I am still surprised when someone tells me they read my blog regularly. I still feel like it's my journal, my diary. I know when I am writing, I am talking to you, the reader, but sometimes I forget that people really are reading. Then I wonder what people think of me and my slow progress. I wonder if they doubt I'll get there. Then I remind myself, I am doing this for me first. I do hope that I am able to help someone else reach their own personal goals along the way, cuz that would be just an extra, super cool BONUS!!

I started the blog so that when I do reach my goal weight, I can apply for a job as a Weight Watcher Leader, and as a leader, use the blog as a tool to help others on their own weight loss journey. I want people that struggle with weight loss to realize that not everyone loses weight at lightening speed, and losing the weight slowly is fine. I have met many members that have lost weight rapidly, but healthy, and I have met many members like myself, that have lost their weight slowly. I have a lot of pride in knowing that I have been at it for as long as I have, and I feel confident that the habits that I have changed, will help me to keep the weight off forever.

I will reach my goal weight in 2013! That feels good to say, and I am confident that it WILL happen!

So......that's my New Year's resolution.

What's YOURS?

New Years Eve's eats....


Luna Bar

Leftover Stew....

Salmon and Asparagus Salad at Bonefish....
(these are my leftovers)
12 PPV

Wine, Beer, Champagne and snacks at the New Years Eve Party!
28 PPV

Activity Points Earned Today = 0
Remaining points from my 49 Points Allowance = 13
How many glasses of water I drank today =


"love the life you live, live the life you love"

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year! I have always thought that slow and steady wins the race. Can't wait to reach goal either in 2013! :)
