
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

I am a list FREAK!

I always have been. Every list you see lying there....well, all of that info is also on my iPad Notes app, but I have to have it right in front of me, on paper, or I freak out thinking I am going to forget something. I get a total high from crossing things OFF the list too. It's not quite so exciting to delete a chore from my ipad Notes App. Then it's just blank.....empty.......bare.......nothing, like nothing was ever there to begin with. Nope. I gotta see it! I gotta see all the crap I did that day all crossed off on my list so when Mike gets home, I have lots to share. Sometimes.....and don't tell anybody.......I do something that wasn't on the list, then I write it down real quick, then cross it off! "Look at all the crap I got done today honey!" Then I make a "new" list with the things that didn't get crossed off on it, and I add any new chore that came up that day. Sometimes.......everything gets crossed off and it's like I've conquered the WORLD!!!! Certain chores, or task, are so important, they don't get added to a list. They just have to be written on a piece of paper alone, typically in large letters. Please see example in the picture below.

It's ridiculous, I know, but I can't help it. I can't be the only one with a list obsession, can I??

I was so busy with the list, I forgot to eat breakfast. Actually, I had a banana and coffee, but that's zero Weight Watchers Points, so it's like I didn't eat at all.

I could eat taco's for days before I got tired of them. Or any kind of taco type food. Chips and salsa, beans, Taco seasoned chicken or beef or pork, cheese and sour cream, guac......pretty much all of it.

Today I had some leftover Taco Soup, served over a bed of baked chips and cheese.....

I could eat it for dayssssssss........did I say that already??

After being away from the house for several hours, then unloading the car for what seemed like an eternity, I was DYING of thirst. I had to stock and reorganize the basement fridge in preparations for our families Christmas Open House this weekend, and we only had one Blue Moon beer left. Now we have zero.

I felt the tension leave my body...........

It looks like I am gulping it, but I didn't. It's just hard to drink and try to take your picture, but not look like you're taking your own picture without looking like this.

I swear I didn't gulp.

Guess whats for dinner?

Then I added some Chicken Taco meat.

Refresh...I can eat 26 points a day.
I can earn Activity Points by doing exercise.
I have an allowance of 49 points that I can dip into if I chose.
I should drink a minimum of 6 (8 oz) glasses of water each day.

The food I ate today and it's PPV.

Breakfast = 0
Lunch = 12
Blue Moon = 5
Dinner = 8

Total = 25

Activity Points Earned Today = 2
(I have literally been on my feet for 13 hours)
Remaining points from my 49 Points Allowance = 13
How many glasses of water I drank today = 4
(I didn't have time to stop and pee, so I didn't drink much water today)

I just took these out of the oven. It's 9:30 pm on Tuesday. I am done.
(Baking today wasn't on my list, so I just wrote it down, then crossed it off!)

I made three regular size loaves on Monday night, but I didn't add any nuts, and my mom loves pumpkin bread with nuts, so I added nuts AND chocolate chips to these mini loaves. I hope she appreciates all my hard work! :)

What's your favorite Holiday Sweet Treat??

Maybe I'll make these next.........

Super easy and always pretty........

"love the life you live, live the life you love"

1 comment:

  1. Don't make the oreo balls I have pinned on my Pinterest board. They are sooooo delicious and very addictive!!! Now one of my favorites!
