
Thursday, June 7, 2012

It's All Greek To Me! (my salad)

Tess came home for a long weekend visit, and I was so happy to see her! She is in the picture above, in case you didn't know that. She will graduate from Pitt State this December, and this is her last "college summer". She found a paid internship in Joplin, Missouri, so isn't coming home to live for the summer. :( She has lots going on this weekend. She likes to keep busy, like her mother!

Friday a haircut, then shopping with me for a shower gift for her sister-in-law to be, and my daughter-in-law to be! Happy hour later. She also likes a Happy Hour like her mother. She makes me so proud!

Saturday to the pool in the late morning for some chill time together (lots of sunscreen for me and maybe even an umbrella! I had some skin cancer removed on Tuesday! Yikes!), then to the shower.

Sunday we have a date with each other for the Kenny Chesney-Tim McGraw concert at Arrowhead! Whoop! Whoop!

Tess is a member of the Alpha Gamma Delta sorority, and since I did not belong to a sorority (I think college is required for that), she will often discuss things that are sorority related, most of which goes right over my head! That's when I say things like....."It's All Greek To Me!" then I snort and giggle, and she gives me the eye roll. Never gets old. Mike and Tess and I had a great evening getting all caught up on her life and I'm super happy to have her home for a few days.

Today was a crazy one! This morning I took Tucker.....seen his own chair.....

.....on a super long walk with my friend, Steph, and her lab, Josey. Tucker tried his best to keep up with Josey! Including jumping into every little weed and wild grass he could reach while still on the leash. An hour and a half later, we were home. We were BOTH "Tuckered" out! Get it? His name is T U C K E R! I'm killing myself here people! The walk was really a good workout in that the dogs kept us moving at an awesome pace, and with Tucker on his leash and a little all over the place, Steph and I were playing a lot of "jump leash", you know.....instead of "jump rope?". I saw you smile. I realized after we were home, Tucker had about 200 little balls all over in his fur! I am going to try conditioner tomorrow, but the poor little guy might need a shaving! They are TINY! I guess bichon fur is NOT made for the woods! :)

I have a favorite pair of readers I use more and more often. I was trying to leave the house in a hurry today and couldn't find them, so I went for my second favorite pair (not really the right strength). I took a potty break before leaving the house, yes it is relevant to the story, then washed my hands, and here is what I saw in the bathroom mirror. Happens WAY more often than I'd like to admit. to the food!

Breakfast? Overnight Oats? "What's that?" you say. Check out my morning blog from today.

Snack...I was trying to find my glasses, I was in a hurry, I was hungry! Check out how I had to tear into that friggin box! Don't mess with hungry Julie! I eventually made a peanut butter banana smoothie. It totally calmed me down.


Green beans.......

Dinner? Marinated flank steak. Simple. Soy sauce, worcestershire, liquid smoke. Poke the living daylights out of the meat. Marinade over night. Grill 6 minutes each side. Cover with foil for 10 minutes. Slice across the grain. Boil leftover marinade, then pour over meat. This is so easy and so delicious every time! Promise. Tonight we ate it Greek style. I made a big salad with really leafy greens, made some Greek dressing, added feta, tomatoes, cucumbers, and tzatziki sauce on the side. We dipped the meat in it and I put a little in my salad. It was a hit!

A few roasted potatoes on the side. Also deeelicious dipped in the tzatziki, but what isn't?

Refresh...I can eat 26 points a day.
I can earn Activity Points by doing exercise.
I have an allowance of 49 points that I can dip into if I chose.
I should drink a minimum of 6 (8 oz) glasses of water each day.

The food I ate today and it's PPV.

Breakfast = 6
Snack = 3
Lunch = 3
Dinner = 14

Total = 26

Activity Points Earned Today = 6
Remaining points from my 49 Points Allowance = 17
How many glasses of water I drank today = 12

Super excited for weigh in tomorrow! I should get my next 5 lb award!

This was a doozie of a blog. Sorry.

"love the life you live, live the life you love"

1 comment:

  1. Woo hoo...go julie...this blog made me miss you that much more... We've got to get together soon..smooches
