
Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day!

The best way to keep within your points at a family function? Host it!

I really like to have the family over and cook. I also like to keep the menu point friendly, but in a way that nobody feels they are eating light. I just want everyone to enjoy the meal, and of course I want everyone to feel satisfied!

Sidenote: I can make a gazzillion bazzillion excuses to not exercise. Company arriving at my house at 9:30 am sounds like a really good reason to not exercise. When would I have time? How can I exercise, AND shower, and cook? But I am feeling pretty good about the Bootcamp thing and I really want it to pay off in the end. We go to class three days a week, and then do cardio on our own three days a week. I knew if I didn't get it in this morning, it wouldn't happen tonight. In the middle of muffin baking and coffee making and before anyone had a chance to get there, I took a break and went to the treadmill. I only did 20 minutes, but I ran most of it! Yay me!

Whats for breakfast? Who doesn't like fresh fruit? (my 17 year old niece!)

You gotta have a muffin! These are fat free, but I don't think they taste free of anything!

You just add water! I love EASY!

I made mini's. Two muffins....3 PPV.

Then a skillet full of eggs, turkey sausage, crumbled bacon, potatoes and topped with cheese. I also made Pillsbury reduced fat biscuits, but somehow they got left out of the family photos of food?

Everyone had second's, but me! :)

We had a great morning of laughs and food and pots of coffee, but I ate toooooo many of the fat free muffins!

We are going to the in-laws for BBQ! Eeeekkkkk!

I played it cool. Mom Rita had lots of fresh fruit and a big green salad, so I loaded up on those, had some turkey, (no bun, no cole slaw, no potato salad, and one bite of Mike's Apple Pie) and a couple of dill pickles and one deviled egg.

By the time we got home, it was close to dinner time, so I ended my food for the day with the last of the fruit from brunch. I might have had a fruit overload today.

Refresh...I can eat 26 points a day.
I can earn Activity Points by doing exercise.
I have an allowance of 49 points that I can dip into if I chose.
I should drink a minimum of 6 (8 oz) glasses of water each day.

The food I ate today and it's PPV.

Breakfast = 21 (I LOVE MUFFINS!)
Lunch = 6
Dinner = 0

Total = 27

Activity Points Earned Today = 2
Remaining points from my 49 Points Allowance = 48
How many glasses of water I drank today = 6

"love the life you live, live the life you love"

1 comment:

  1. My niece is 18, and is going to kill me for saying she is 17!
