
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Debbie Downer.....I hate this post!

I had an eye appt. this morning for a much needed check up, and honestly, was not feeling hungry at all. After I got the all clear of any scary eye diseases at the doc's office, I headed to Starbucks for a "wake me up" beverage. I was hungry now. It was around 10:00 am, so I decided on Starbuck's "Perfect Oatmeal". I skipped the extra toppings this morning, but did ask them to make it with steamed skim milk instead of hot water. No problem! Then I topped it off with a Truvia and a sprinkle of cinnamon. I ordered a nonfat latte to accompany it!

Oatmeal and Latte (6 PPV)


Lunch was string cheese and a few snacks of fruit throughout the afternoon. Blueberries, banana, grapes.....and this pear. I hadn't tried one of these dark pears before. I do love me a pear!

Fruit and string cheese (2 PPV)

I'm really not hungry at all today and still feel really crappy and bloated from Sunday Funday! I think I look preggers. You have no idea how bad I want to take a picture of my stomach and post it. How bad would I regret THAT later??

At about 6:00 pm, I made myself go to the treadmill. It was just too hot outside for activity. I put the treadmill on 2.0 mph. I know. Then I went to 3.0 mph. I felt dizzy, clammy, my stomach hurt (mostly abs from yesterday's workout), my thighs were aching (again, the workout), my "kankles" still existed (the beer) and I think I have an ingrown toenail. Other than that, I felt great! So I finally decided I could handle 3.8 mph. I engaged myself into the local news, then some educational TV (Entertainment Tonight), and before I knew it, I had passed the 60 minute mark, so I immediately got off! :)

Dinner was Zucchini Soup.....(see today's earlier post)

Served over baked chips and topped with shredded Monterey Jack cheese! (2 servings, 1 without chips, 12 PPV)

I am counting points, but not posting my weekly total since I feel so lost after Sunday and really don't know where I'm at on my total. I can eat 26, but only ate 20 today. I don't even know if that's allowed!

I emailed my WW Leader to let her know I totally screwed up. She emailed me back to let me know that the important thing is that I know where I made my mistake. I do. I didn't have a good plan for Sunday, and it got me into trouble. I know success comes to me in my weight loss when I plan. And for some reason, I just didn't do that Sunday. Lesson learned.

My whole weight loss journey is a lesson, and that's a good thing.

I will get over being so disappointed in myself. I struggled so hard to get out of the 170's, and I just don't want to take a step backwards. I'm going to hate my blog on Friday if I have to say that is what happened as a result of my lack of planning!

It's late. Gotta get some sleep. 6:30 am Boot Camp will be here quick and I gotta be ready to kick my own ass!

"love the life you live, live the life you love"

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