
Friday, May 18, 2012

Today's THE day.

Weigh-In went surprisingly well, considering I thought I was quite possibly going to gain 1 to 2 pounds. Cuz that's my pattern as of late. Looks like all the yard work earned me some activity points I had not accounted for! Today's weight.....171.8. I actually lost 0.2 pounds. I know. It's a very....small....amount. I was down to 170.0 three weeks ago and could just SHOOT myself (probably with a water gun). Still better than any kind of gain. I have been waiting and waiting for 160 something to show up, but I guess I am going to have to GO GET IT!

This week I am not going to drink ANY alcohol. That scares me. I am going to drink 8 glasses of water everyday. I am going to focus on Power Foods. I am going to exercise a minimum of 30 minutes everyday and blog about what I did that day. I am going to blog about everything I eat, and it's PPV. You will be so extremely bored after reading my blog. I apologize in advance. But you will also smile next week when I post my weight of 160 SOMETHING!

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.”
― Henry Ford

"love the life you live, live the life you love"


  1. You can do this Julie! You and I have similar short term goals. You need to lose 2 pounds to get to the one-sixties and I need to lose 2 pounds to get to the one-nineties. Supporting one another, we can get this done!!! I think you are awesome and doing a great job and I am proud of you for setting the goal of 150 in spite of being comfortable at 170. Your body will thank you for decades to come!!!! It will be so much easier for your heart and lungs to get the oxygen where it needs to go and so much easier on your joints and every other system in your body. You are doing the right thing. Heck, Jules, life is finally getting fun. Don't let a few extra pounds slow you down!! Go Jules, Go!!!

  2. It's funny that you said "Life is finally getting fun", because part of my weight is all the damn FUN I've been having! :)

    1. That is kind of ironic. I guess I need to have more fun, huh? My weight is definitely more stress related than fun related!! But a lot of the major stressers are in the past and the second half of life has endless possibilities, I'm looking forward to seeing which way life goes!!
