
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Portion Control

I have never made an effort to blog every day. Sometimes I go a full week and only blog once. Sometimes I blog three times a day. It just kind of depends on what I have to say, or what I don't have to say. Some days, I never shut up! I am going to give daily blogging a try and put out there everything I am eating. Will I eat differently? I have really changed the way that I eat. It's all pretty healthy foods. Sometimes my issue is not WHAT I am eating, but HOW MUCH I am eating. I am going to weigh and measure to make sure my servings sizes match the PPV that I am giving them.
Here is yesterday's menu.
My favorite breakfast.......Oatmeal Pancake. Includes egg whites and a banana (power foods).

Lunch was a Chicken Salad Wrap. I love to buy a rotisserie chicken for several different meals, but this is a favorite for sure. Chicken (power food), light mayo, lots of grapes and celery (power foods), and a little salt and pepper.

Carrots (power food) on the side instead of chips!

I LOVE this tortilla! It's 3 PPV.

Dinner was a grilled flank steak. I can NOT remember who gave me this recipe, but it is so yummy! Marinade a flank steak in a combo of soy sauce and Worcestershire, over night. You can also add a little liquid smoke. I also like to give it a good coat of course black pepper and kosher salt. I think besides the overnight marinade, poking the "you know what" out of it with a fork, also really helps to tenderize the steak. Put on a HOT grill for 4 to 6 minutes on each side. Remove from grill and cover for about 10 minutes. I just took the cover off and it's time to slice it up!

Take the leftover marinade and bring it to a boil. Then simmer. Pour over the steak as you serve it. Mike comes home late a lot, and I have almost mastered keeping dinner warm and still tasting like it just came out of the oven. I put all the meat back in a pan, poured the boiled marinade over it, and kept it on low. Worked perfectly.

Nothing better than steak and potatoes, right? So I roasted some up!

And I had to get my greens in! (power food!)

I hate raw broccoli, but I like to put broccoli in boiling water for just about 2 minutes, then take it out and add just a little salt. Fresh, crispy and tasty.

Yesterday's snack? I keep snack size baggies of dried fruit and almonds in the pantry to grab as I run out the door.

I didn't get in as many Power Foods as I needed to, so i will work on that.
Make it a great day! And...........This made me giggle.

"love the life you live, live the life you love"

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