
Saturday, May 5, 2012

How Bad Do I Want It?

I have had a few interesting conversations with friends and family and my WW leader lately. When I am asked about my weight loss and how I am doing, I reply by telling people I really have maintenance under control. Which is true. I have been doing the same things for several months. For me to lose more weight and reach my goal, I need to make the decision to move forward. I have become very comfortable in the 170's and honestly, don't feel in any big rush to get the last 20 off. I know that I need to. I have blogged a few times about my socializing (adult beverages), and stress eating. I am feeling pretty good about dealing with stress and anxiety in healthier ways, but my social calendar is full! :)
All kidding aside, I truly feel great! I feel so healthy and happy and energetic. WW members tell me they thought I was at my goal weight? If I feel this great now, it's hard to imagine what I would feel like at 150. Or what I will look like? I suppose it's scary. I have never weighed that. Okay, maybe in middle school. I think actually getting to that weight is a bit of a mental block for me. When I get there, can I stay there? I think I will look so different. I am concerned about being able to maintain it. It's odd, I guess, how overwhelming it sounds. It's just a number on a scale, right? But the body I have right now is the one I have had most of my adult life, and I have become so comfortable with it. I love change! What's holding me back? What is it that I am so afraid of? Do I doubt that I can get there? Am I not willing to give up what I need to give up to get there? The Weight of My Weight. It is heavy. I wish I had all the answers. I don't. What I do have........are pictures of what I ate the last couple of days!

Thursday was busy and I didn't take the time to cook that morning, so I had one of my favorite protein bars......and coffee.

Lunch was a WW smoothie......

I added a frozen banana and 2 T of PB2.......

it's a powder.........

It made for an awesome Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie!

I snacked on some fruit (power food) in the afternoon...........I had these to chose from!

Dinner was Fish and Chips. I almost didn't cook. Mike was golfing and I assumed he would eat out, so I was on my own. I had some tilapia.....

I've had this recipe for a long time.....

Perfect every time.......I had a few fries in the why not?

Friday morning I headed to my WW meeting. It was a really good meeting about portion vs. serving. It is crazy how big the portions are when we eat out. Understanding what a proper serving size is, and seeing how big the portions are when eating out, can really make a difference in your weight loss efforts if you eat out a lot! Pay attention and know what a serving size is!

Fridays breakfast.....Nonfat latte and an apple (both power foods)....

Fridays lunch.......Leftovers. I used the scale so I KNOW my points were right on track!

A few greens (power food).........And celery (power food) with a nice spread of Laughing Cow Cheese!

Dinner was at a pub with beer (NOT A POWER FOOD) and some grilled chicken tenders with carrot sticks, with ranch on the side.....

Okay, headed out this morning to walk the dogs, mow and trim the yard, then see how hot it is. Depending on the temp, I'll walk outside, or pick the treadmill.

Make it a great day!

"love the life you live, live the life you love"

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