
Thursday, May 24, 2012

Day 7 of 7

Well, I made it through the week achieving all but one of my goals. I was going to exercise a minimum of 30 minutes everyday. It just didn't happen today. I accompanied Mike to a Dr. appt at 7:00 am this morning. Then we went to breakfast.......He had to be on a liquid diet for 24 hours, and I skipped breakfast to be polite. I WAS DYING!!

We went to First Watch and I had my usual. The Healthy Turkey. Its an egg white, turkey sausage, feta and spinach omelet. I had dry toast that I added a little strawberry jam to......I only ate one full piece of toast, but after eating a half of a slice, I was ecstatic to take this picture when I remembered I had my IPad with me!

After breakfast I went shopping for a dress for my son's wedding coming up in July. I think I found it.......I'm gonna ponder it for a bit. I did have a great shopping experience at Nordstrom today. I am not a shopper. I never have been. Partly because I have such a hard time finding things to fit right, and partly because I am never willing to spend the money I should on well made clothing that fits properly. Well, today I met Anette. She was awesome. She was great to point out all of my positive features and help me figure out what works best for my body type! She even sent me for a bra fitting when I told her I really liked the dress, but could never find a strapless bra that would fit me. Boy did I have that all wrong! I left with the dress, a new strapless bra, and a new everyday bra, and a hefty credit card receipt! I also left feeling great. This could be bad for my shopping future?? :)

I stopped at the grocery store salad bar for lunch on the way home......

After eating lunch and hanging out with the mutts on the deck for a short bit, I headed over to my future daughter-in-laws house to stuff, seal and stamp wedding invitations. They are beautiful! I was super tired, so on the way to her house, I grabbed an iced, nonfat, sugar free carmel latte. We worked on the invitations with her mom and Maid of Honor for THREE hours! Yikes! I came home sleepy and just plum worn out. I fixed some frozen veggies and a chicken sausage and called it a night! I think I'm even to tired to write this blog.......

I am anxious for my weigh in tomorrow and anxious to blog about my plan for next week. I feel like having a well outlined plan helped me move forward this week. Thanks again to all of you for your comments and support.

Refresh...I can eat 26 points a day.
I can earn Activity Points by doing exercise.
I have an allowance of 49 points that I can dip into if I chose.
I should drink a minimum of 6 (8 oz) glasses of water each day.

The food I ate today and it's PPV.

Breakfast = 10
Lunch = 6
Latte = 3
WW String Cheese = 1
Dinner = 6

Total = 26

Activity Points Earned Today = 0
Remaining points from my 49 Points Allowance = 41
How many glasses of water I drank today = 8

"love the life you live, live the life you love"

1 comment:

  1. I was thinking about you and your upcoming weigh-in this morning when I was at the gym. I know all of your hard work will pay off. I think it will be this week, I really do. I hope you don't have that two week lag that you talked about, but if you do, you'll get there next week for sure!!! You're doing awesome and you are an inspiration for me!! I'm glad you found a great dress and bra. That's pretty dang cool. I am sure you will be beautiful for the big event!!
