
Monday, September 12, 2011

UP, down, UP, down........

This roller coaster of emotions of mine has got my scale on a roller coaster of it's own. Stress eating seems to be an area I can't get under control and it has got me at a point of up's and down's with my weight loss efforts.  Lot's of stuff going on in my life right now that I disagree with or I am uncomfortable with, but I have absolutely no control over and it is really eating me up. (No pun intended.) I completely use food when I am stressed out, bored or even excited. I am trying really hard here to just accept the things in my life that are happening and remind myself they are not permanent.
I am utilizing the excercising as much as possible as a way to release some stress. I know how much better I feel when I excercise and I also know it gives me time to think. Sometimes it's actually an escape to NOT think about things. Maybe I focus on the birds, or the sunshine, or the kids at the park, or I just crank up the tunes and hit it hard.

I do have a plan. I tried Yoga, and I liked it, so I'm thinking about doing that twice a week. Then this last Saturday I tried a Zumba class for the first time with a new friend of mine. I enjoyed the class because it was something new to try, and I am thouroughly enjoying my new friendship! We are going to do the class next week too!

My goal for the next three weeks is to not miss a day of journaling everything from eating to drinking to excercise. I figure if I truly make myself write it all down, and own it, I will see a difference on the scale.

Here's to success!

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