
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Hanging out in the 170's.

I kind of seem to be stuck. This happened in the 180's as well. I felt really good and found myself hanging out there for a while. I have no intentions of stopping my weight loss at all. Sometimes you just want to take a break from the routine though, and kick back. I know that I have learned I can't take a forever break, and I continue to go to two meetings a week, and also hit the gym, and track all of the food I am eating and also all of my excercise, but I am eating a bit more each week than I am allowed, therefore leading me to go up and down on the scale a bit.
I had blogged about a lake trip we were to take with my husband's work crowd. That trip took place last weekend and I was hoping to be at 170. I weighed in the day before the trip at 170.6! I was super pleased with myself, thank you very much. The following week I weighed in at 174.0. NO THANK YOU VERY MUCH. Let's just say that while at the lake, I enjoyed myself very much, I have no regrets, and I understand I will NOT lose that as easily as I gained it.
I'm not really sure where I will be on Friday morning when I weigh in. I have excercised hard this week, but not as frequent as I have been. I have been over eating due to stress. Still trying to figure that one out. I KNOW I need to leave the house when I am feeling overwhelmed or stressed, but sometimes getting out the door is easier said than done.
I am a work in progress. Aren't we all?

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