
Monday, May 9, 2011

Six Weeks of Changes

The last six weeks have included many changes. I am now attending a Wednesday Weight Watcher meeting AND a Friday Weight Watcher Meeting. I love my leader, Joan. Every single meeting I leave with something new! Sometimes it's a new "Food Find", other times it is a recipe, other times it's a change in attitude, other times it's a new friend! I leave every meeting knowing I have made a wise decision in going!

Another change I have made? I have never enjoyed excercise. I almost panic at the thought of it. I know how important it is for my health, so I have begun to approach it that way. I met with a trainer for one hour for $50. Totally worth it! Before, I would go to the gym, do the treadmil, then feel lost. So I'd call it a day and leave. Now I have a routine, a heart monitor, (so important to have to really gage how hard you need to be working).  No matter how unenthusiastically I may begin, somehow, my energy picks up and I LOVE the feeling of accomplishment at the end in a way that I never have.

Another change? I journal every single bite of food I put in my mouth! I journal every excercise I do. I include what I did, how long I did it, and what the intensity of the excercise. I love to look back at my week and see what I have accomplished, and where I have made mistakes.

I love to buy Peolpe magazine, come home, put the groceries away and read it front to back. WHY? Do I think I'm going to run into Jennifer Anniston and we're going to have this great girly chat because I know all about her from reading People??? Now, I buy the lastest fitness magazines. I recently bought KC Fitness. I loved reading all about the local people that are participating in weight loss competitions, or the 45 year old grandma who I fantasize about looking like. She is in amazing shape!!

Just a few changes to aid me in my journey!

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